Milky Way: Your Guide to Cow's, Oat, Almond, and Soy Milk 🥛

Like many, my morning ritual revolves around a comforting cup of coffee. (Specifically a half-caffeine almond milk cappuccino loaded with my metabolism powder and a protein chocolate booster - I can share my recipe in another post)

From the traditional cow's milk to plant-based alternatives like almond, soy, and the increasingly popular oat milk, our choices are plentiful - so much so that many of us wonder which is actually best for us? Do any of them really positively or negatively affect our health?

Cow's Milk: The Classic


  • Rich in Nutrients: High in protein, calcium, and vitamins B12 and D.

  • Variety: Available in whole, low-fat, and skim options to suit dietary preferences.


  • Lactose Intolerance: A common digestive problem for many.

  • Allergies: Some individuals are allergic to proteins found in cow's milk.

  • Sugar Content: Contains natural sugars that might affect blood sugar levels.

Oat Milk: The Controversial Contender


  • Environmentally Friendly: Generally requires less water and land than almond milk.

  • Fiber-Rich: Contains beta-glucans, known for heart health benefits.


  • Sugar Spike: May cause a rapid increase in blood sugar due to its starch content - which can cause more cravings and have a negative impact on hormone and endocrine health

  • Low in Protein: Not as protein-rich as cow's or soy milk.

  • Gums, Oils, Fillers: Most contain thickeners or gums, such as xanthan gum or carrageenan which can be very inflammatory and we don’t have a lot of long-term studies on them consumed in regular / large amounts

Almond Milk / Cashew Milk : The Nutty Alternatives


  • Low in Calories: A great option for those watching their calorie intake.

  • Vitamin E: High in this antioxidant, promoting skin health.


  • Environmental Concerns: Almond farming is water-intensive.

  • Nut Allergies: Not suitable for those with nut allergies.

    • Gums, Oils, Fillers: Most contain thickeners or gums, such as xanthan gum or carrageenan which can be very inflammatory and we don’t have a lot of long-term studies on them consumed in regular / large amounts

      Soy Milk: The Protein Powerhouse

Soy Milk: The Protein Powerhouse


  • High in Protein: Comparable to cow's milk in protein content.

  • Heart Health: May reduce the risk of heart disease when consumed regularly.


  • Non-Organic Concerns: Soy can be grown organically or not and many worry about the amount of soy ingested when consumed in milk if it’s not grown organically

  • Phytoestrogens: Contains compounds that mimic estrogen, though the health implications are still debated.

Choosing What's Best for You

Choosing the healthiest milk isn't just about the sugar content; it's about the whole nutritional profile. A lot of people recently have been sounding the alarm-bells when it comes to oat milk in particular - I personally still have it in my lattes a few times a week. With anything its important to think both short and long term about what you want and not to feel too pressured by the ideas (or fears) of others, but to always stay as informed as you can when it comes to your health and nutrition.

Let me know if you have any questions - I hope this was helpful <3 love you!!!


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