Why are we all trying to be the same?

We have so many choices of what to buy, how to live, what hobbies to take up, and how to express ourselves. Yet more and more it seems like we all want to buy the same things, dress the same way, decorate our homes and spaces the same, and generally follow the same trends.

Why? What’s causing this? Do we feel lonely, deep inside, and following the mass-trends makes us feel connected or “on the right track” in life?

The phenomenon of homogeneity in choices and preferences isn't new, but it has been amplified recently with tiktok, instagram, influencer and hyper-consumerism culture. The primary causes as I see them are:

  1. The Influence of Social Media: Particularly Instagram and TikTok have become trendsetters in micro-trend consumerism. When we see influencers or friends enjoying a product or lifestyle, we're naturally inclined to want the same experience. It's human nature to seek belonging, and in the digital world, this often translates to mirroring the choices of others, but where does the mirror stop and our life begin

  2. The Paradox of Choice: Ironically, having too many options can be overwhelming. By now, we aren’t choosing between a few styles of clothing released by our favorite brand 4 times a year, we’re choosing between millions of new options released daily across our favorite websites, available at our fingertips, often with 1 or 2 day shipping. When faced with an overwhelming sea of choices, it's easier to go with what's popular or recommended by others. It's a shortcut to decision-making, reducing the anxiety of potentially making the 'wrong' choice.

  3. Psychological Comfort: There's comfort in conformity. Choosing what's trendy can feel safer and less risky than standing out. This is especially true in times of uncertainty, where following trends can feel like a secure anchor. It’s no secret that we feel isolated now more than ever, despite having access to our friends and families at all times in the palms of our hands, we’re lacking real comfort and connection and so these trends make us feel connected.

But here's a thought: while trends have their place, they don't have to define us, and they shouldn’t. Here are some light-hearted ideas to balance trend-following with individuality:

  • Embrace Yourself Wholeheartedly: Remember that it's okay to be different. Your choice of a quirky decor, a vintage dress, or an unusual hobby makes you, you. Celebrate it!

  • Mindful Consumption: Before jumping on the latest trend, ask yourself if it truly resonates with your personal style or needs. Sometimes, the best choice is the one that aligns with your values and lifestyle, not just what's popular.

  • Limit Social Media Influence: Take a break from social media now and then. It helps in getting a fresh perspective and understanding what you genuinely like versus what you think you should like.

  • Create, Don’t Just Consume: Engage in activities and hobbies that allow you to create something unique and ideally connect with others at the same time. Whether it's art, cooking, gardening, or writing, creating something that's uniquely yours can be incredibly fulfilling.

I’m determined to take on some more personal hobbies in 2024 including photography, and film editing as well as horseback riding and dance lessons if I can find a studio that will take me!

I’m always looking for inspiration on new things to try, and would cherish hearing from you about things that you’ve been loving as well <3

XO Isa


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