Getting Pregnant 101 (what I think worked)

Pregnancy is one of those things that you don’t think about until you start trying (and in my case it doesn’t come right away.) I always assumed that getting pregnant would be so obvious and easy, because that’s what every health class in school, and OBGYN asking if I was using protection made it seem like.

Until the time came for my husband and I to try it truly was never a thought on my mind… And then suddenly it becomes every thought. I tried for about 7 months actively before becoming pregnant and each month I tried something new so let me tell you what I think had an impact and what didn’t so much.

Before I begin, I want to share something that really changed my perspective on the subject, that I didn’t learn until I was sitting in the medical room of a fertility specialist in NYC on my 33rd birthday and the day before my husband was about to leave for a 2-week trip to Germany without me. Nervously waiting for every word out of the doctor’s mouth, of course we spoke about various testing to be done, but he told me that even in a perfect body, with a perfect cycle, healthy full eggs, tubes that work and a partner who’s sperm count is high and strong there is still only a 25% chance of getting pregnant and that’s accounting for proper cycle tracking etc…. 25%!!!! With everything perfectly aligned only 25% how had no one told me this so clearly? I think it’s important to remember as you try because it might ease some of the anxiety as you get a few months or more in without success.

Here’s Everything I did

(and my rating of how much impact I think it had)

1.) Eating more balanced meals

2.) Oura Ring Cycle Tracking

3.) Timing / Ovulation Strips

4.) “Egg Strengthening” Supplements

5.) Kicking my legs up

6.) Acupuncture

7.) CoQ10 Supplements

8.) Reducing cold drinks in the morning


Beauty and Self-Care During Early Pregnancy